The purpose of the Low Carbon, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability Guidelines for Health Care New Construction (LCRES Guidelines) is to enable implementation of low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable strategies as part of new construction and major renovations of acute, long-term care and other healthcare facilities.
Applying the LCRES Guidelines during the planning phases will produce deliverables, requirements, design strategies and accountability mechanisms to be embedded into project documentation and contracts. This document is a resource for project managers, planners, architects, engineers, contractors, operators and other members of the project team.
List of Appendices
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms (refer to the LCRES Guidelines)
Appendix D: Guidance for Low Carbon Accountability Mechanism
Appendix E: Provincial Climate Resilience Framework and Standards for Public Sector Buildings (Health authority employees can email to request access until publicly available)
Appendix F: Climate Resilience Guidelines for BC Health Facility Planning and Design v2.0
Appendix G: Energy Modelling Requirements
Appendix H: Water Reduction Design Strategies (refer to the LCRES Guidelines)
Appendix I: Scope and Parameters for Life Cycle Assessment (refer to the LCRES Guidelines)
Appendix J: Waste Management Space Design Guidelines
Appendix K: Chemicals of Concern: Construction Interiors
Appendix L: Bicycle Parking Design Guidelines
Appendix M: Technical Recommendations for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (refer to the LCRES Guidelines)
Appendix N: LEED v4 Gold Scorecard template (Excel)
Appendix N: LEED v4 Gold Scorecard template (PDF)
Appendix O: Ministry of Health Capital Policy Manual Chapters 11 and 14