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2023 Climate Change Accountability Report Provincial Health Services Authority

BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre, located at 4500 Oak St, Vancouver, BC.

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Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) has made significant strides in its commitment to low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable care. In it’s 14th year, here are some key achievements from the 2023 report:

  • Emission Reductions: Achieved a 22% decrease in carbon emissions since 2007, with a total offset of 18,754 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in 2023. This reduction in carbon emissions is noteworthy as PHSA has grown significantly in the past 16 years, in terms of programs, services and staff.
  • Energy System Upgrades: Progressed toward completing a large energy system upgrade at BC Cancer – Vancouver, anticipated to result in significant carbon emissions reduction once fully commissioned.
  • Lighting Upgrade Projects: Initiated two projects to upgrade lighting at BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing emissions.
  • Supporting Transportation Alternatives: Free inter-hospital shuttles are available to staff, patients, and visitors, connecting several acute care sites and transit stations. In 2023, staff ridership on these shuttles reached 100,630, a 91% increase over 2022.
  • Staff Engagement and Awareness: Continued efforts to enhance staff engagement, raise awareness, and foster knowledge sharing on topics like waste management and environmentally preferred purchasing.


These efforts highlight PHSA’s dedication to mitigating climate change impacts and building resilience.

For more detailed insights, download and read the full report.