Vancouver Coastal Health is pleased to present the eleventh annual Climate Change Accountability Report, which highlights actions to reduce our carbon footprint and the health impacts linked to climate change.
Over the years, we have worked to raise environmental awareness with our staff, patients and the communities we serve. These efforts have reduced VCH’s operational impact on the natural environment while reducing operational costs. In 2020, VCH’s emissions footprint was 40,674 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents) which equates to an 18.7 percent decrease since 2007. This decrease is significant since VCH has grown its useable facility area by 19.9 percent in this same period.
In an effort to continually pursue an effective response to climate change, 18 energy and emission reduction projects, and 17 energy studies and strategies were initiated this year. When completed, these projects should reduce our carbon emissions by more than 1650 tCO2e per year. VCH purchased carbon offsets from the Ministry of Environment at a total cost of $1,077,221 to maintain carbon neutral status to align with the Climate Change Accountability Act and Carbon Neutral Regulation.