Original story submitted to PHC Connect (internal newsletter) by Kathy Kohli, Coordinator, Waste Management & Contract Performance and Erick Nguyen, Contract Manager, Support Services, at Providence Health Care.
From Left to Right: Kathy Kohli (PHC Coordinator, Waste Management & Contract Performance), Benson Low (PHC Director, Environmental Services ), Kate Regala (Supervisor, Binners’ Project), Sean Miles (Director, Binners’ Project), Dino (Binners’ Project), Nadine Leitch (Manager, Binners’ Project) Ammaron (Binners’ Project), Francis Massicotte (PHC Manager, Environmental Services), Cameron (Binners’ Project) and Erick Nguyen (PHC Contracts Manager, Support Services).
Providence Health Care (PHC) has formed a partnership with the Binners’ Project at St. Paul’s Hospital, part of continuing efforts to build community capacity and drive positive sustainability initiatives.
The Binners’ Project aims to foster social and economic inclusion and build strong community resilience and networks. The group is a dynamic coalition of waste-pickers, supported by a dedicated team, committed to enhancing their economic prospects and alleviating the stigma associated with their role as informal recyclable collectors. As zero waste ambassadors, they have been involved in many waste segregation projects, creating supportive partnerships with groups such as Simon Fraser University, BC Housing, and Aritzia, and participating in annual community events like the PNE Fair and Khatsahlano Street Party, assisting in the achievement of their respective zero waste goals.
The effectiveness of the Binners’ work in waste management cannot be understated. In the past month, the Binners’ team at St. Paul’s Hospital was able to successfully divert 6,690.8kg of non-clinical waste away from landfill, recording a diversion rate of 88.3% for these specific areas of the hospital. PHC is thrilled to share this success, as it not only reflects the Binners’ commitment to environmental sustainability, but also highlights the tangible impact our new partnership has in reducing the ecological footprint associated with health care operations.
PHC is excited to see this partnership grow and they look forward to planning their involvement at other PHC sites.
To learn more about Binners’ Project, visit https://www.binnersproject.org/ .